Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hats off to Kailey Sage!

So Kailey has been terrified of big roller coasters ever since we took her to Disneyland when she was four. She wanted to go on splash mountain. Now remember Kailey has always been a tall kid and at four was tall enough to ride splash mountain. I wasn't so sure about it but decided to let her go on it anyway. That was a mistake. She was terrified and traumatised. We couldn't even walk past splash mountain at that time without her freakin out. I wasn't sure she would ever ride again until Saturday. We went to Lagoon and the first ride we went on was the roller coaster. When we were going down the first hill I looked over at her and she had the look of shear panic and I thought to myself that it was going to be a long day. However half way through the ride it changed to a smile. So Kailey, I congratulate you for being so brave. You are awesome! I love ya kid!

1 comment:

Jill said...

very impressive. I'm terrified of scary rides. I pretty much have to be lifted up and carried to all the scary rides.