Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I've been tagged

Here we go...
4 things I like about my husband:

- He does the laundry.

- He always puts me first.

- He laughs really hard at things I don't think are funny at all.

- He treats the kitty like a baby.

4 movies I would watch more than once:

- Return to me

- Everafter

- Pride and Predjudice(the 6 hour version)

- Princess Bride

4 TV show I watch:

- So You Think You Can Dance, obviously

- How I Met Your Mother

- The Office

- Grey's Anatomy

4 places I have been:

-Europe 4 times, Prague, Italy, UK, Germany, Greece, Amsterdam,

- New York

- Mexico

- Puerto Rico

4 People who email me regularly:

- My mom

- Clint

- My job

- I hate e-mailing
4 Favorite Foods:

- Greek food

- veggie pizza with pesto

- anything with blue cheese

- hamburgers

4 Places I would like to visit:

- France

- New Zealand

- Africa

- Egypt

4 things I am looking forward to in the coming year:

- working with my students

- Gus and Jenny's baby

- My lil sister shay's wedding

- kailey's recital and competitions

4 people I tag:

Nicole, Dawn, Mel, and Clint

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