Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks

What I am thankful for...

1. Kailey- She is such an amazing child. She is so talented and incredibly funny. I absolutely love her.

2. Ava- She is so stinkin' cute. I just want to gobble her up. She has such a bright and strong spirit.

3. Clint-He is such a sweet and kind man. He is an amazing husband I am so lucky to be married to him. He is also an amazing stay-at-home-dad for the time being.

4. A healthy family-finally! Ava just got over the chicken pox. Kailey just got over a kidney infection. And I got over my shingles. Clint is happy to get all of his girls back.

5. A good job- I am grateful for a great job with great benefits. I love working with my colleagues and my students. I am blessed to have a job that I love.

6. The Gospel- I am grateful for the knowledge that I have of the gospel and the many blessings that it brings to my life.

7. Our family- Clint and I are blessed with amazing family who are so supportive and absolutely fun to be around.

8. Great Friends- I am very blessed to have amazing friends in my life. They enrich my life so much!

9. Modern day luxuries- I would have sucked as a pioneer.

10. My body, mind and spirit- The fact that I can still dance and finish sudoku puzzles is something worth holding onto!

I am truly blessed!